
The Songs of Love Foundation Plays On Through The Coronavirus Crisis

The Songs of Love Foundation, a national children’s charity providing FREE personalized songs for ailing children and teens, is happy to report that it continues to operate at full capacity in this challenging environment. Because the Songs of Love singer/songwriters work out of their own home studios, the organization has been able to continue accepting song requests from parents and hospital staff who care for children and teens battling serious illnesses and lifetime disabilities.

At a time when many other children’s charities have had to cease providing services, the Songs of Love Foundation is proud to be able to keep children smiling. Each “song of love” is an original recording featuring the child’s name, special interests, and hobbies as well as the names of family members, friends, pets, etc. All songs are delivered on custom USB drives, so there is never any physical interaction with the song recipients.
The Medicine of Music™, as Songs of Love calls it, is being dispensed from a distance, and each song’s everlasting impact cannot be understated. To request a FREE “song of love” for your child, visit or call us at 800-960-SONG.

Please CLICK HERE to view on our 30 second video.