“Thank You” Letters – February 7th, 2011

Here in the northeast, we’re finally getting some much-needed relief from the extreme cold and snow of the past month, but we’re not out of the woods yet. Much like the weather, we’ve “weathered” the current economic climate, but we’re not out of the storm’s path quite yet! That’s where you come in! If you can, please donate any amount you can afford – $5, $25, maybe sponsor a song at the $250 level, or even make a car donation! We need all the support we can get to make sure 2011 is a successful year and that we can continue to make a difference in the lives of sick children. As you know, these thank you letters are as much addressed to you as they are to us, as the smiles and joy created would not have been possible without support from people like you. Please take a moment to read these letters on this site to get a sense of the real difference we are making in these kids’ lives.

My name is Kathy, and my four year old son was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor last November. He has had his kidney removed, and he currently is going through chemotherapy that will last until July.
We recently received a Song of Love for Simon done by Danny Obadia.

I want to take this moment to let you know how important your work is… and how much it means to the kids and their families. I cannot express enough what an “uplift” this song was for little Simon. We listen to is ALL the time. It is absolutely the best. Listening to it brings tears to my eyes…. my mother to…. it is so moving and touching.
Your work is so appreciated and I don’t have a doubt that the good Lord smiles down on you.
Thank you so very much for your wonderful kindness and love, especially during this tough time.
May you be blessed with all that you do.

I also wanted to let you know that I would be more than happy to display brochures or displays in my community. If you could let me know how I go about doing so, I would appreciate it. Its the least I can do…. I would love to give a donation, but right now, we are struggling, so I am unable to do so.
Thank you so very much…
Kathy Tobar

Any amount you can give – a few dollars, a song sponsorship, a car donation – makes all the difference in the world!