Welcome to The Songs of Love Streaming for Healing Sponsor Page!

Event Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 from 7-8:30 PM

Sponsorship Tiers:

· $500 · Concert Sponsor:
Hyperlinked logo on the bottom of the registration page, mention on all e-communication and sponsorship of two “songs of love.”
· $1,000 · Grand Piano Sponsor:
All of the above plus placement on Songs of Love homepage banner for 30 days and sponsorship of four “songs of love.”
· $2,500 · Lead Guitar Sponsor:
All of the above plus Zoom event mention and sponsorship of 10 “songs of love”.
· $5,000 · Orchestra Sponsor:
All of the above plus showcasing a 30-second company video on the night of the event and sponsorship of 20 “songs of love”.

(Custom Amount minimum is $25)