Songs of Love Opens at Paul Simon Concert in Forest Hills, NY!

In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Songs of Love Foundation, the audience at the Paul Simon concert in Forest Hills, NY, recorded a “song of love” for 8-year-old Teddy Moore. Teddy had 28 brain surgeries and 2 skull expansions due to hydrocephalus as a result of a brain bleed when he was born. This is a program called the Songs of Love Experience™ that engages audiences at companies, concerts, schools and other groups in the live recording of “songs of love” for local ailing children. Teddy is a patient at the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, NY. John Beltzer and Alex Forbes wrote and performed Teddy’s song of love and the audience recorded the chorus! Thanks to Carl Allocco and Donna Kotoff for shooting video! Thanks to Paul Simon and Cindy at OK Management as well as Don Sullivan and the amazing Paul Simon stage crew! See the video here
