Songs of Love Becomes the Official Charity of Florincoin!

Songs of Love, which was the first ever children’s charity to accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, has partnered with Florincoin and its founder Joseph Fiscella.

The features of Florincoin include transaction comments, decentralized applications, proof of publication, peer to peer gaming, no pre-mine, 40 second block timer, 1 block difficulty retarget and scrypt proof of work.

Joe is making an appeal to the entire Floricoin community and those of other cryptocurrencies, to join the Songs of Love 250K Challenge Grant Campaign made possible by Wall Street Legend Leon Cooperman. Visit and look for our Floricoin address as well as the addresses of over 75 other altcoins.

The campaign will last through 2018 and all donations will be matched up to 250K. If we all chip in whatever we can, we will be able to help another 2,000 ailing children with the Medicine of Music™.

Let’s all create some serious crypto karma. Thanks!